Values meets Boundaries Podcast Series

Values Meets Boundaries
Episodes 71-73 | Build with Boundaries Podcast

How can knowing your values help you understand yourself?

In this 3 part series “Values meets Boundaries” Sarah Evans and myself (Mahnaz Sharif) discuss this deep connection. Furthermore we share resources so you can get started on making sense of your own life story!

#1 How to Connect with Your WHY

Understanding your core values, reducing wastage and aligning your tasks with your goals

#2 Know Your Stress Triggers and How to Manage Them

Key points covered are: how to identify triggers that cause you stress, understand why you are reactive in your personal life, how these affect you in your business and how to manage them better.

FREE Resources:

#3 How you can use values to create an authentic brand in the age of AI

We talk about what it means to be authentic and how can be used to give us the edge values to build our brand.

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