Human Design is described as the “Science of Differentiation”
or, as I love to explain it, “where Science meets Spirituality”
Human Design is not “Woo-Woo” (as I thought when I first came across it)
It’s based on ancient and modern science and integrates all of the following principles:
- Astrology
- The I Ching
- Kabbalah
- The Chakra system
- The latest in Genetics and Quantum Physics.
This may sound complex, but at its core, Human Design offers clear, practical insights that you can apply immediately to your life and work.
Why would you want to apply it? Without implementation, it just becomes more information gathering dust. When applied correctly, it helps us to step into our Authentic Self – less stress, conflict and frustration and more ease, flow and joy.
Here are some videos where I explore Human Design and different aspects of how relevant, practical and powerful it can be.
#1 What is Human Design?
Understanding your core values, reducing wastage and aligning your tasks with your goals
#2 What can your Human Design tell you?
Key points covered are: how to identify triggers that cause you stress, understand why you are reactive in your personal life, how these affect you in your business and how to manage them better.
#3 My Human Design Chart
I share my chart and discuss how my Human Design intersects with my Core Values. As a 5/1 Sacral Generator, I also reveal my inherent strengths and natural inclinations, as shown on my chart.
#4 Sarah meets her Human Design
Sarah, a Coach specialising in core values, reflects on her journey of understanding and integrating her Human Design profile. As a 1/4 Emotional Generator we discuss how this has affirmed her strengths and influenced her personal and professional life.
#5 Human Design Case Study: 3/5 Manifesting Generator
What happens with too much Resilience?
Especially when you have multiple roles to fulfil: as a Mother, Grandmother, Daughter, Sister, Daughter-in-law, and a passionate Business Owner helping others with their well-being!
Sarah Evans joins me to break down the intersection of a client’s Human Design chart and core values. We discuss how this client’s Human Design influences her abilities and challenges. Our conversation also delves into specific channels in the human design chart, emphasising the client’s resilience, community connection, and unique strengths.
more videos coming soon
Have you taken the Harmony Assessment to see what ‘your version of harmony’ life looks like?
Gain insights on where you are right now so you can work out where you want to go.